Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Wildewit's African Jabulani, Aug 12 1998, Sept1, 2006

It's always so difficult, so heartrending, so agonizing for me to tlak about Luke these days. I odn't feel badly about that; after all, since he died I have endured one death after another, cuminating in Lila last May, which I have nowhere near dealt with. I thikn the mind just shuts down in the face of all this sorrow. but luke is specail, he's a loss that changed my life. It was tragic, unspeakably cruel, probably karmic, and I had many foreshadowings of it, if one believes in suhc things. I leanred more from that boy than I could start to put inot words here. His death was totally unexpected and came at a time in my lfie where - for possibly the vyer first time - I was becoming independent, I had worked tirelessly to attain good helath, to feel comfortable with myself, to

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