Saturday, May 31, 2008

Beauty is the Illumination of the Soul

" Beauty is standardized; it has become another product for sale. In its real sense, beauty is the illumination of your soul. There is a lantern in your soul, which makes your solitude luminous."

I would like to start this blog off with a poignant quote from the late John O'Donohue, from his book Beauty: The Invisible Embrace.

My dogs are the lantern in my soul, and they have long made my solitude luminous.
This is a time of great sadness in my life, but also great beauty. What Lila has taught me burns like a diamond on fire in my soul. I will carry on my work, love and help many more dogs, watch for her return, and take care of myself, because she showed me how to do all of the above.

This blog is for exploration of the great spiritual beauty and wisdom that dogs can bring us. I truly believe they are angels on this earth.

These are my dogs, past and present.Aren't they beautiful??