Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Grateful, Wealthy, Blessed

A love poem to my soulmate, based on a Navajo poem. I was inspired to write this yesterday, reading some of Linda Tellington-Jones' writings in bed in the afternoon, listening to the wind, Daniel asleep beside me.
This is paraphrased from a Navajo Horse-poem.

My beautiful dog
slim like a weasel, strong like a horse
four strong agile feet, one white
from dipping in stardust
his chest painted with angels
his tail a flash of lightning
my beautiful friend
my friend has a line down his back like a serpent
the winds of time blow back his ears, his ears of silk and velvet.
and he hears me breathe
he hears me sleep
he knows my dreams and heart.

My dog with coat of copper sunlight
My dog with his elegant head
eagle gaze
my dog with his teeth made of white shell
ancient knowledge in his face
ancient wisdom in his soul.

When my dog barks, flocks of butterflies alight
When my dog sings, every forest being listens.

A long rainbow from his heart to mine
and back again
through it we speak and listen
and guide one another.
A pale gold light encircles us.
In it, all the dogs from days gone by, dance with us.

Because of him, I am wealthy.

Before me peaceful
Behind me peaceful
Over me peaceful
Underneath me, peaceful
All around me peaceful
His nose in my palm, peace is every breath and step.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Not Ready Yet

So, a few days ago this appeared in the Wakefield News, and my heart stuck in my throat to read the words:
" We have just adopted an 8 week old border collie and lab mix pup. She's a treat to train already!! She was the second to go in a litter of 7, so there are 5 cuties left, looking for the right homes. If you are serious and "available" for the commitment, please give Michelle or Rob a call @ .. I encourage a voluntary contribution to cover quality feed and exceptional care offered during their first 2 months. The pups have been given an all 'round excellent start!! Have a great summer.."

Oh - I am so not ready. And just becasue a pup is border collie/Lab doesn't mean she's Lila..I feel like Dan and I have a very precious time here, so much love, closeness and learning, it may be best to leave things as they are. I mean - no one can ever replace a dog who has died anymore than you can a father, sibling, child...but, it's a powereful life affirming move to take another into your heart.

I just don't feel ready. I'm adopting a dove, and two goats, and another rabbit. The dog will show herself when i am ready....for now, I am juts loving being with Danny and moving into tomorrow with hope, trust and joy.

Luke and Lila are everywhere aaround us.