Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Beauty We Love

"Let the beauty we love be what we do.
There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground"

So if we understand the phrase "kneeling and kissing the ground" as prayer - and further, if we expand the idea of prayer to include our whole lives - our work, what we do - we have a vision of a life motivated and informed by beauty, by that which we love and find most spiritually powerful.

I love this quote from Rumi because it relates to what i do - I make my life's work a form of prayer by focusing on that which I find beautiful; reversing the flow, giving back, as it were, to the beings who give so much to humanity, through their simple but powerful love, devotion and service. Aren't these three things the very crux of life, or at least, of what life should be?

Where do you locate beauty? I find it in the simplicty and purity of heart that dogs bring to life - their imemdicay, openness, lack of duplicity, and struggle to adapt to an insane human world.
The beauty I love is what I do. When I help one dog, I send out a thousand prayers, of gratitude and atonement.

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