Saturday, June 14, 2008

I just had to share

I'm planning on adding photos and stories about my friends' dogs here as the blog develops, but today I had to show off my gorgeous and sweetfaced boy, in a wonderful protrait my good buddy tic took yesterday afternoon. I just love this shot and tic is so's a hot afternoon aned I am about to have a lie down - been working since 5 am so I need a break. but here's the light of my life. Isn't he beautiful??


Ellyn said...

Yes, he most certainly is. The handsome-est and sweetest man-doggy I know!!!
Auntie E

Auntie Dote said...

OOOH--------I think he just got cuter !!

Cat said...

Donna....I'm so glad you noticed that. :P

Ellyn - thank you, he is rather sweet isn't he? He's been a good man for his Mom this past 24 hours, believe me. Remember, now Lila's gone to the Bridge, he's The Man around here.